Luxapel makes smart, color-adjustable LED lighting systems that transform public venues
Luxapel offers complete lighting systems, incorporating a wide range of lighting fixtures with wired and wireless controls and convenient Apps made for iPhone and iPad operation. Simply choose the right mix of light fixtures for your venue along with a control method to achieve beautiful results.
Any type of lighting situation from basic to advanced can be conquered by simply choosing from Luxapel’s components: the perfect luminaire with the perfect control system.
To fit many kinds of locations Luxapel offers a range of light fixtures from screw-in lamps to complete theatrical instruments. Made to provide bright and hiqh-quality directional lighting these lights have many uses from overhead track-lighting, to professional stage lights to pendant downlights to house lights in recessed ceiling cans to accent spots, up-lights and wash lights.

Multi-featured controls and smart lighting products.
- For traditional control with DMX protocol the lights can be configured to receive either wired or wireless DMX signals.
- To deliver wireless DMX control Luxapel has a selection of wireless DMX hubs that communicate over the air with groups of lights.
- To make it easy to set up and operate the lights Luxapel has Apps for iPhone and iPad that make it easy to have direct control of light fixtures or to interface with the DMX wireless hub and operate many lights at once with low latency.
Just imagine the possibilities. With lighting systems from Luxapel you can eliminate old dimmer racks, reduce energy costs, avoid the expense and troubles of running control wires, make use of existing screw-in fixtures, update track lights with full-color LEDs and make it all work from a convenient mobile app interface that does not require an advanced technology degree to use.
With all the choice of lights and controls from Luxapel it’s possible to quickly configure many kinds of light systems from basic to advanced.
A good basic system consists of the ZOBO screw-in lamp configured with a wireless DMX receiver module that pairs with an industry standard W-DMX transceiver hub from Wireless Solutions. Just install the lights into ceiling fixture sockets and pair the lights with the transceiver and plug in a DMX control console. Then enjoy the show!

ZOBO PAR 30 Retrofit
Related Lighting Products
DMX Console
Related Control Components
ZMX1: DMX Control Box
Bright output
Related Venues
Worship | Events | Mobile Entertainment | Theater | Retail
An advanced system could consist of multiple kinds of light fixtures configured with the Luxapel ZMX wireless DMX technology. Use the TRIX1 hybrid wireless transceiver from Luxapel to run either pre-programmed light shows or connect with a DMX control station. For the easy creation and operation of shows, there’s a Luxapel iPhone and iPad app that can be used to create light show sequences and control the lighting effects with ease. It’s a great way to make a stand-alone light show system that almost anyone can run.
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