CONTROLS: MobileApps
Complete lighting control.

The Luxapel Mobile App for iPhones and iPads provides smart and responsive Bluetooth control.

Makes it simple to pair with Luxapel luminaires for set-up and operation of individual or groups of lights. Given the fast response to color and brightness adjustments, it’s easy change the mood with a full range of beautiful colors and sequences from compatible Luxapel lights.

The Luxapel Mobile App also provides convenient set-up tools for addressing lights configured with the both Bluetooth and wireless DMX functionality. Once a BLE+DMX hybrid wireless light has been configured using the Luxapel Mobile App, it’s simple to switch control to standard DMX operation. The ZMX radio can then stream DMX512 data to all Luxapel wireless DMX lamps that have been paired with the transmitter.

The app is available for free on the Apple App Store or on Google Play. Download the app onto a mobile device for convenient fingertip control of Luxapel lights!


  • Operation Modes: Full-range of colors, selectable white CCTs, sequences
  • Light Groups: Combine up to 7 lights in a group for simultaneous control
  • Range: Up to 50 feet line of sight (based on Bluetooth specifications)
  • Selectable CCT’s: Twelve calibrated whites from 2400K to 6500K
  • Color Control: Color wheel or 4-channel sliders (RGBW)
  • Brightness Control: Full range dimming from 100% to 0
  • Sequences: 12 pre-programmed color sequences
  • Color settings: Store up to 6 custom colors for fast recall
  • Save color setting: Save any color and brightness setting for power on
  • DMX setup: Configure hybrid BLE+DMX Luxapel lights for DMX operation

NOTE: when updating the LuxiumApp the old version should be deleted from your phone or tablet and then the device should be restarted before installation of the most recent version of the app from the app store.